If photography was an off-the-shelf commodity, this would be an easy question to answer. There would be one flat rate no matter what it takes to create the image. Well, in the big box portrait studios, that's easy to do. The customer sits down in nearly the exact same position and exact same pose as the 1,000 people before him/her. The photo is taken with the exact same camera, the exact same lens, at the exact same height, with the exact same lighting.
Don't you deserve better than mere snap shots that look like everyone else's? You want to capture the essence of the design! How can you do that with a cookie cutter? What great creative solution did you apply in your project? What "side" of your project is most photogenic? You don't want a "mug shot" of your design. Commercial photography is about capturing your vision with the creativity and talent of your photographer.
There are so many factors that contribute to beautiful architectural photography, lighting, time of day, angle, lens, composition, arrangements, and the tiniest details all together make a the image one that moves the viewer to stop and look closer at the soul of your design. All these factors can play a part in determining the cost of your photography project.
Whether you were there or not, and whether we are your photographer on a project or not, if you have any questions or comments about commissioning architectural photography, please feel free to drop us a line anytime. We'd be happy to help!
Kimberly Blom-Roemer
R2 Photography, LLC
Kimberly Blom-Roemer
R2 Photography, LLC