Sunday, February 1, 2009

Photographing Northern Exteriors in Winter

Winter in a northern climate can sometimes make for a tough time to photograph exteriors. Wind, snow banks, mud, leafless trees and brown grass challenge capturing your structure looking it's best. So as not to just let the whole project slide until spring, why take advantage of that gorgeous reflective light from outside and photograph the interiors and room details that are ready for photography. Save those exteriors for Spring when the weather is better and fall plantings have taken hold.

Then again if your project is an ice sculpture or an's time to shoot!

Whether you were there or not, and whether we are your photographer on a project or not, if you have any questions or comments about commissioning architectural photography, please feel free to drop us a line anytime. We'd be happy to help!

Kimberly Blom-Roemer
R2 Photography, LLC